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Organisations we support in prayer and by giving

These are the main organisations we support by regular giving. See below for more links.

Blackpool Schools and Youth Work

BSYW is an interdenominational Christian charity working in local schools across Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre, taking assemblies, lessons, clubs and workshops. Their mission statement is from Psalm 78:4 'We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord'.


Bible Society

Bible Society take the Bible and find ways to translate and distribute it, create digital formats, advocate for its place in society and help people relate to and make sense of it in their everyday lives.

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Paul and Sarah Tester

Paula and Sarah Tester are our Mission Partners in Lima, Peru. They work for CMS (the Church Mission Society)


Disabled Christian Fellowship

We have a Disabled Christian Fellowship Group meet at our church- to find out more see the section on the page linked below.

Wheelchair Accessibility

The Leprosy Mission

The Leprosy Mission are a global Christian organisation leading the fight against leprosy.


The Leprosy Mission’s Global Fellowship works in 28 countries.

Their focus is on ten countries in Africa and Asia - Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Sudan. These places have high rates of leprosy or lack the services or opportunities needed by people affected.

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Mission Aviation Fellowship

MAF believe nothing should stop people from receiving the love of God and the essentials of life – no matter how remote they are. Their vision is to see 'isolated people physically and spiritually transformed in Christ's name.' They use aviation and technology, because in many places those are the only ways to reach isolated people in need.


Operation Mobilisation

A member of our church works for Operation Mobilisation. OM works in over 110 countries around the world to bring the Good News of Jesus to people who may never have heard about Him before.


Samaritan's Purse 'Safe Water' Appeal

(Formerly known as 'Turn on the Tap') Samaritan’s Purse works around the world to provide clean water and promote safe hygiene practices.

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Diocese of Blackburn

All Saints Church is part of the Church of England's Diocese of Blackburn.


The Church of England

All Saints is a church and parish in the Church of England.


All Saints Christmas Fair

The Christmas Fair is an annual community event where we support either 2 or 3 local charities by raising both awareness and money all of which is  donated to the chosen charities.There are many stalls, a Christmas Quiz and even a visit from Father Christmas. It takes a year to organise and there are lots of jobs to do, so if you would like to get involved contact Jacqui via the office.


Other Links

The following links are of organisations  which often provide materials to aid/inform our prayers. Individual members of All Saints often support them financially or otherwise.

CPAS (Church Pastoral Aid Society)

CPAS are one of our patrons. They continue to work with churches and leaders to help them share the gospel afresh in each generation.


Operation Christmas Child

Every year members of our congregation put together boxes for the shoebox appeal and/or donate to the cause.


Comfort C.A.F.E.

Comfort C.A.F.E. (formerly known as New Comfort Zone) is a faith-based group based in Blackpool that runs drop-in sessions at St. Thomas’ Church on Caunce Street each Tuesday from 11-12:30 for local people who are homeless or in need. For more information you can click below or go to their website here.

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Christians Against Poverty

Christians Against Poverty work with people to help them get free of debt and manage their personal finances. If you are struggling with debt and would like to speak to someone about it please call them on 0800 328 0006 or follow the link below for more information.


Open Doors

The materials from Open Doors inform our prayers for persecuted Christians.

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Cleveleys Churches Together

We are part of Churches Together in Cleveleys which organises joint events between Christian denominations in our area.


Barnabus Aid

Organisation supporting persecuted Christians.

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Tools With A Mission

Members of our congregation have collected tools together for this organisation. Tools With A Mission provides people in 5 Sub-Saharan countries with tools. They collect usable tools from the UK and make them into kits which can provide someone with a livelihood.

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The Christian Institute

The Christian Institute exists for the furtherance and promotion of the Christian religion in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. The Christian Institute is a nondenominational Christian charity committed to upholding the truths of the Bible.


Life Association

Life Association reaches and serves some of the world's poorest people, through schools, children's homes, church plants and training.

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All Saints, Anchorsholme - Diocese of Blackburn

01253 823904

All Saints Church, North Drive, Anchorsholme, Thornton-Cleveleys, FY5 3HT, UK
Charity no. 1132756

©2024 All Saints, Anchorsholme.

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